Compassionate Hands for Nepal (CHFN) by partnering with Bright Star Society (BSS) provided a comprehensive training for the adolescent with disabilities.
The Bright Star Society is a Non-profit Organization organized by the visually impaired people with the purpose to serve the people of community.
CHFN is pleased to provide the hand of help to the B.S.S to serve specially for the people with disabilities. BSS is grateful and expecting more to step ahead together with CHFN.
The 2 weeks training was very helpful for the 26 visually impaired young people.
Experts in the different fields were invited to take the class to motivate, provide guidance and training.
By observing the regular presence of trainees and hearing the feedback the achievement of the Training could be felt. Some of the trainees were high school students, without feeling any tired they joined the training after their school for hours.
[gdlr_quote align=”center” ]A lady of thirties who had born with blindness and faced many mental issue (once in depression she tried to kill herself) with the content face said, “I have never met such organization and people who have really cared about me this much. I have no words to thank. Thank you for inviting me for the training and special thank is for providing me the vehicle service for this long. This training helped me to feel better.”
– Shrijana Poudel, born with blindness
[gdlr_quote align=”center” ]24 years old Bibek (male) wasn’t blind by birth. He lost his sight just some years ago. He joined training with his mother. When her mother was asked for the feedback she burst in tears and said, “When my son lost the sight he started staying alone without talking. It was such painful to see gloom in his young age. I had lost the hope to see him happy again. But during this training I have seen changes in him. To see him laugh, interacting with others and making friends made me feel satisfied. Thank you by heart for organizing such wonderful training concerning such people.”
– Shanta Laxmi Shakya, whose son wasn’t blind by birth
At the end of the training, certificate were given to the trainees.
CHFN covered the cost of payment to the trainers, lunch & transportation for the attendees. God is kind to provide the generous people in need. Cocino Mitho Chha Restaurant provided the hall for the training at free cost. However, the cost of the lunch was paid by the CHFN. All trainees were provided the transportation cost at the closing session.
Praise God, who moved the heart of people from overseas to contribute the amount that helped to bring the smile back in the faces that had lost their hopes.