
Oxygen-Concentrator gave life to a 92-year-old man

Padamnath Timalsina, an elderly man, aged 92, was infected with the 2nd variant of COVID19. When the cases were rising during May and June 2021, hospitals in the remote village of Jugal, Sindupalchok which is the far northern mountain region of the Kathmandu valley, were rapidly getting filled with COVID patients. There were no isolation

Oxygen-Concentrator gave life to a 92-year-old man Read More »

Reaching out to communities during the COVID-19 pandemic!

The second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has highly impacted all the people around the world. Mainly the developing countries like India and Nepal have been highly affected by the pandemic. In Nepal, a nationwide lockdown has been implemented which has halted every sector of the country. There is an economic crisis all over the

Reaching out to communities during the COVID-19 pandemic! Read More »

Learning through games: Child Rights and Child Protection Training

Children are a very vulnerable group. Their dependence on adults and their need for care make them even more vulnerable. Many factors support increasing a child’s vulnerability. Displacement, separation from family and community, losing a parent or a loved one, and losing home and possessions are all factors that can endanger a child’s life. The

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Children: A beautiful gift to their parents.

Children indeed are the beautiful gifts given to their parents. On the occasion of International Children’s Day, BSF Chhampi families together with parents and their children celebrated Children’s Day. On 20th November, all of the families gathered in a community hall at Chhampi, Lalitpur. Children came together in a group and decorated the hall with

Children: A beautiful gift to their parents. Read More »

१० औं वाषिक साधारण सभा सम्बन्धी सुचना ।

दयाका हातहरू नेपालको दसौं वार्षिक साधारण सभा यहि मिति २०७७/०७/१२ गते बुधबारको दिन निम्न उल्लेखित मिति, स्थान र समयमा वर्तमान परिस्थितिलाई मध्यनजर गर्दै Virtual माध्यम ZOOM बाट बोलाउने निर्णय गरिएकाले यहाँहरूको गरिमामय उपस्थितिका लागि सादर निमन्त्रणा गर्दछाँै, जसद्वारा यस आ.व.२०७७÷०७८ मा पनि यहाँहरूसंगको साथ सहकार्यद्वारा विभिन्न कारण आघातित भएकाहरू माझ निरन्तर सेवा पु¥याउनको लागि, यहाँहरूको

१० औं वाषिक साधारण सभा सम्बन्धी सुचना । Read More »

दयाका हातहरु नेपालद्वारा क्वाराइनटिनका लागि झुल सहयोग

दयाका हातहरु नेपालद्वारा गोदावरी न.पा वडा नं १ कार्यालयलाइ क्वाराइनटिन व्यवस्थापनका लागि झुल सहयोग गरेको छ । वडामा वैदेशिक रोजगारीबाट फर्कि आएका व्यक्तिहरुलाइ क्वाराइनटिनमा राख्न थालेसगै झुलको आवश्यक्ता देखिएको थियो, सोही आवश्यक्तालाई मध्यनजर गरी दयाका हातहरु नेपालद्वारा क्वाराइनटिन व्यवस्थापनका लागि स्थानिय वडा कार्यालयलाई झुल सहयोग गरेको छ ।

दयाका हातहरु नेपालद्वारा क्वाराइनटिनका लागि झुल सहयोग Read More »

Saru got promotion through Computer Training

Twenty-one years old, Saru Khadgi is one of the participants of Computer Training at Nala, Kavre conducted by CHFN in the partnership of Operation Hope Foundation. Likewise, many other students, Saru is also highly benefitted with this training. Saru was so excited when she heard about the Computer training, which was going to start in

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