Dibina Pariyar, a 17 years old girl from Kavre district is happily living with her younger sister & grandmother. Her 60 years old grandmother, Maiya, looks after her and her younger sister by the money made from stitching the clothes.
Seven years ago Dibina & her sister were abandoned by their parents. Since then they are living with their grandmother. Sixty years old grandmother was only the bread winner of the family. Stitching the clothes was grandmother’s main source of earning. For stitching the clothes , she had the traditional machine where more effort had to be put on hand to run the machine. Everyday she hardly could stitch four or five clothes & earn NRs. 150-200. It was difficult for her to earn & even to fulfill their basic needs . Understanding their needs & situation, CHFN partnering with Orphan’s Promise supported the family with the sewing machine, clothes and other necessary equipment for tailoring.Happy are the family to receive new tailor machine
Nowadays, her speed in stitching the clothes has increased and is being able to earn NRs. 800 to 1500 everyday. Maiya says, “Because of CHFN & Orphan’s Promise , I have been able to look after my two granddaughters. The money I make from stitching , has helped me in feeding, educating and taking care of them. I couldn’t imagine what I have done ,if I haven’t met CHFN & Oprhan Promise. I am thankful to them, for making me able to build my granddaughters’ future ”