After the devastating Earthquake 2015 in Nepal, many people became homeless in different districts of Nepal. Mina and her family was also affected from the earthquake. Her house fell down during the disaster and the troubles added way more. Mina lives in Nala, Kavre district of Nepal with her husband and two daughters. Her older daughter is 5 years old and younger daughter is 18 months old.

Mina and her husband were struggling for their basic needs because they have no solid source of income. Meanwhile the disaster worsened their situation. For longer time they stayed outside in the tent. As their life was getting tougher, very hardly they took the loan from nearby Cooperative organization. With that money they build a small house. But they have no earning for their living and to pay back Loan. So, Mohan, her husband decided to go to Dubai for foreign employment.
‘My husband works in Dubai since 2 years. After the earthquake, we took loan for our living and to build the house but we had no skills and access for income generation. That’s why my husband went to Dubai with the hope to solve the economic tragedy’ Mina said.
Mina is one of the participants of Tailoring Training which Compassionate Hands For Nepal & Operation Hope Foundation (OHF) has organized in Nala, Kavre to empower women. She is learning tailoring skill passionately. The training is running on third month while she has already begun to earn money. “This training has brought hope in my life. I am learning different skills of tailoring in this training. When I complete this training, I have a dream to start a tailoring shop. Me and my husband will work together in that shop and earn for our better future. I am very much thankful to the Organization for organizing this kind of skillful training which has provided hopes to many other woman like me. Every day I learn at the training center and sew clothes of the community members by borrowing machine from father in law. I charge 100-200 rupees per cloth. Last month I earned Rs 5000.” She says with great excitement.